New solution added! ‘Sort Visuals On Text Dimensions’ – 04-17-2020
In this solution we explain how you can sort your visuals when using text dimensions on your axis. The default way of sorting a text dimension is from a to z. But when for example visualizing your data per month you don’t want your months starting in April and ending in September. In this solution we show you all the tips and tricks to deal with this problem.
New solution added! ‘Datable Fiscal Year DAX’ – 04-15-2020
In this solution we explain how to deal with a fiscal year in Power BI. We show you how to create a datetable which contains the right fiscal year, quarter, month, weeknumber etc. You can use this datetable to analyse, filter and visualize your data based on the right dimensions for your fiscal year.
New solution added! ‘Pareto Analysis DAX’ – 04-13-2020
In this solution we explain how te set up a pareto analysis in Power BI. The pareto in this example shows you the percentage of sales which is generated by an x percentage of customers. Besides that we created a drilltrough to show which customers are generating that x percentage of sales.